Terms & Conditions

By acknowledging these terms and conditions I am giving written consent that I have read and consent to data protection information and terms and conditions. All terms and conditions and our policies and procedures are on our Famly system or can be emailed upon request. Little Pearls Nursery Limited has the right to cancel my contract if I do not cooperate and adhere to policies and procedures, or Early Years Foundation Stage requirements, for which I will receive four weeks’ notice.

I am also giving written confirmation that I have filled out my child’s information as accurately and honestly as possible giving as much information to the best of my knowledge. If any information has not been brought to the attention of the nursery upon registration, Little Pearls Nursery Limited will not be held liable. Any details missing from Famly app could compromise my child's level of care, safety and education. If my child develops any dietary or medical needs after registration these will be added to the Famly app and communicated in writing to the office in order for the staff team to be informed.

Notice period

I understand that four weeks' written notice is required to end my child’s place at nursery and at least four weeks' childcare will be charged for upon Little Pearls Nursery Limited's understanding I would like to cancel the place. A 50% holiday rebate may be used in the event that I do not wish my child to attend for the full notice period; this will be allocated in line with the holiday rebate procedures.

Safety and Safeguarding in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Requirements

I understand that it is my duty as a parent to help keep the children of Little Pearls Nursery Limited safe. For this reason, I will not bring items into the nursery that could hurt any other child. I will also not allow my child to bring items into the nursery that could cause harm to another child e.g. small toys. I understand that it is appropriate at certain times of the day that age groups will mix and for this reason it is highly important that all children's personal age-appropriate toys are left at home. I will not ask about other children who attend the nursery nor seek to gain information about other children who may or may not attend the nursery. I will help to keep the premises safe and secure and will not grant access to anyone unless they are authorised by a member of the staff team. I will not seek to gain unsupervised access to any children in the nursery and will pass on all appropriate messages to help with the care and education of my child. I will also act with integrity and report anything on site that I deem to be unsafe or concerning.

I understand that Little Pearls Nursery Limited is required to abide by the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework and other legal documents. I will regularly ensure that the nursery has the most up to date information about my child and our family e.g. emergency contact numbers, allergies, medications, changes within the home and outside agencies such as social workers or childminders. I will also ensure that Little Pearls Nursery Limited has all parent contact information and addresses and at least 2 additional emergency contacts. These persons should be responsible to act on my behalf if I am unable to collect.

If parents and emergency contacts fail to collect or are unable to collect a child I understand that Devon’s on-call Child Services Team will be called as a final resort in line with the nursery’s ‘Uncollected Child Policy’.

I also understand that it is a requirement of each parent to be involved with my child's learning and to assist the nursery in this matter including but not exclusive to: being willing to attend meetings in relation to my child; adding observations from home to the Famly system when possible; and engaging with my child at home to enhance their learning. We will help with this by sharing regular updates about learning themes and idea to use with your child at home.

2 year old checks

I understand that Little Pearls Nursery Limited has a duty to complete assessments such as 2-year-old checks. I understand that it is necessary for some of the data from 2-year-old checks to be shared with the Speech and Language Team in Devon. For more information on this please speak to the office.

Absence due to sickness

If my child is absent due to sickness, the nursery should be notified as soon as possible.  If my child is unwell, I will abide by the nursery exclusion periods and am aware that these are in place to reduce the risk of spreading illness or infection. Little Pearls Nursery Limited would deem a child to be too poorly to attend nursery if they need medication (such as paracetamol or ibuprofen) to help them through the day and we request that they are kept at home in this case. I will respond promptly (within one hour) to phone calls from the nursery to advise that I need to collect my child due to illness. If my child becomes ill at nursery, a member of staff will contact me or my emergency contacts. I will also follow the nursery’s strict medication policy if my child needs medicine whilst at nursery. If my child is unwell I understand there will still be a full charge for the nursery as the staff will already be on site.

Zero tolerance policy

In understand that Little Pearls Nursery Limited operates a zero tolerance policy and will cancel my contract if I harass or intimidate any of the staff in person or online.

50% holiday rebate entitlement

I understand that holiday periods booked in advance will be charged at the reduced rate of 50%. I understand that I must give a full weeks notice (ideally more) of holiday dates before a Wednesday, when the staff rotas are issued, to receive the 50% discount. Funding will still be claimed for children who are on holiday as we are unable to move funding around to accommodate holiday dates for all children.


I understand that any swap days, or extra sessions for my child need to be booked with the nursery in advance. I understand that I must give a full weeks notice, (ideally more) before a Wednesday, when the staff rotas are issued to avoid extra charges.

Extra fees

I understand that ate fees and early fees will apply if I bring my child into the nursery around their booking time without giving the nursery notice to amend staffing structures appropriately.

I also understand that a late payment fee of £10 per week will be added to my account if my account is not settled by 1st of the following month.

Please note that If you are unable to settle your account in the usual timeframe, please contact the office and we can set up a manageable payment plan for you and the late payment fee won’t apply.

Activities and trips out

I understand it is part of the Little Pearls’ ethos to make links within the local community which also includes taking the children out on walks when possible. I give consent for the staff to take my child on short trips within the community to enhance their learning experiences and I understand that each trip will be risk assessed to help ensure the children stay as safe as possible. I also understand that Little Pearls Nursery Limited will plan various activities including, but not limited to, food tasting and cooking so I understand it is my duty to inform them of any allergies my child has in order to protect them from harm.

Photo consent

I understand that photographs and video footage of the children are taken and used for observation, assessment, training purposes, and displays within the nursery. I consent for my child being photographed and videoed for these purposes only. I understand it is also necessary for the Little Pearls Nursery Limited to use my child's full name within the setting and it is my duty to inform them if there are any reasons why this might not be safe for my child. Separate permissions for photographs may be given e.g. social media and website. All photos of children will be stored and shared in line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Data protection

I understand personal information is kept about my child in line with the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). This information will only be shared with necessary staff and the local authority (Devon County Council) for the purposes of providing high-quality education and care for my child. Records are kept once children have left in line with Local Authority guidelines and some documents may be stored off site if permitted by our governing body Ofsted. When children are in receipt of additional funding, such as the Early Years Extended Entitlement or Childcare Tax Credits, data may also be shared with third parties as necessary, all of whom carry their own Data Protection Statements.

Any Questions?

Get in contact with us today to book a visit or ask us any questions.